Are concrete boots drowning your potential?
Do you spend a ton of mental time and energy thinking about things you SHOULD do?
I do too, there is no need to be concerned now that there are two of us!
Good news is, there are steps you can take to break into a whole new world. “Should’s” are like concrete boots drowning your future potential. What thoughts and emotions come to mind right after telling yourself you “Should” do something? Is it pure joy? Probably not!
As of right now where do your “should’s” stand?
I should write a book
I should start a business
I should loose weight
I should hire a coach
I should...
“I should” statements are just thoughts. These thoughts, when not acted on, produce self-esteem lowering negativity. On the other hand, acting on them can build your self-esteem. Building your self-esteem is never a bad thing but I want to challenge you to also “DO” the right thing because not every “should” is lined up with the maximum potential you are meant for.
I believe having a long list of “should’s” actually blocks focus from important things that will give you the most satisfaction.The thing is, we all have “should’s.” How do we decide whether to keep them or throw them away? It’s a tough decision but that’s life, so let’s work through it together.

Here is a personal example.
I used to make furniture as a hobby. After a few years I decided to turn furniture making into a business. I made the business plan and off I went, Forever Built Furniture was born.
It wasn’t long into the furniture business that I saw an even better opportunity to start an ice sculpture business. Many of you know sculpting ice became a large business doing hundreds of thousands of dollars per year. I operated Masterpiece ice for 10 years and then sold it. (You can check out the ice business if you are interested There is a video on the home page that still has me in it).
After starting Masterpiece Ice, furniture making was pushed aside, never to be touched again. The wood-shop laid dormant in the corner of the basement. The hard part was every time I did laundry or worked out in the basement I would see the wood-shop and say “Man, I really should build something.” It ate at me constantly.
After a few years of beating myself up and feeling like I had a set of concrete boots holding me down; I decided to sell the entire wood-shop. It was not getting used and had become a downer for me. It wasn’t long till I found someone to buy the whole shop (Thank you Charlie)! It was heartbreaking at first, but reality set in and told me that it was time to let go of the “should’s” of my past to move on to the bright opportunities of my future. I have this dream for you, to look upon the bright opportunities of your future.
As I mentioned above, unfulfilled “should’s” can lower your self esteem and strip energy that can be used to fulfill the purpose of your future.
Here are my thoughts on how to get rid of the mental junk that is holding you back.
Step 1 - Write down your “should’s”
Step 2 - Ask yourself if the important questions.
How long has it been on my list?Why should I do it?
Is it aligned with the true purpose that is in my heart?
Step 3 - Evaluate.
What is the consequence if I NEVER do them?I find when I ask this question, it refines the list to items that will make a difference.
Step 4 - Delete the one’s that don’t make the cut.
Get rid of the daily reminders that trigger “I should” thoughts.Step 5 - Release yourself of old “should’s” to make room to soar to new heights.
How is this relevant to you? I am not a mindreader but I feel it’s safe to say that you have a much longer list of “Should’s” than you have of completed work.
“Should’s” can be small and large. My motorcycle sits outside telling me I “should” ride it more, but in reality, do I have the time? Everywhere I travel these days I am either taking stuff with me that won’t fit on the motorcycle or I am taking Henry, my pup with me. Keep it or sell it, that is the question I am wrestling with right now.
As for something small, there are a few emails sitting in my inbox that I “should” respond to, but the only thing I really should do is delete them and move on with my life. Just as you should!
Give yourself permission to throw out the “Should’s” that are like concrete boots.
Free your mind and enjoy your time.
My advice, let reality speak, and listen to what it says.
Reality will give you all that you need to reach the potential you were made for!
If you want help with the “I Should’s” or any part of your business you are always welcomed to give me a call. From mastering your time, to increasing the bottom line, I can help. Contact me through my website at
To your Success!
Coach Jeff
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