Tuesday, August 21, 2012

For those not blessed with tech skills.

Do you remember when geeks were the group you walked past without speaking to... or when you did speak it involved something only you found funny? 

I remember. 

There was a time when I was part of the geek squad and no one wanted to hang around me. In time, I was kicked out because I couldn’t hang at Super Mario Brothers and had never seen Star Wars. 

I then went to the group where they talked all about “MJ.” 

“MJ” this and “MJ” that, how awesome is this MJ thing.”

Come to find out, that thing was Michael Jordan. You probably know what happened next, Yep, I wasn’t allowed in the sports club either. 

That created a time where I was in the middle of nowhere which led to a shady time of my life I am sure will come out in future posts.  

Ah, what the heck, I will tell you a little about it now.

I found “home” with the group of young chaps that liked to sneak out of the house and vandalize the neighborhood.  

If you lived in the Fox Run area of SA, TX anytime between ‘87 and ‘94, I’m sorry. I am sorry if you experienced a late night knock at the door only to answer it with 96 gallons of water rushing at you with hurricane force flooding your living room. Just before you finished turning the front door knob there was a perfectly placed trash can tilted against the door full of water from your own garden hose. That must have really sucked.

Again, really sorry bout that.

Or that Triumph car who left the keys sticking out of the trunk lock. It’s really hard starting a car without those darn keys. And for that poor person who left their windows down only to find wet grass clippings as your new front seat passengers.  What were we supposed to do...I mean the window was open and 5 or 6 bags of grass clippings were only a few feet away. I really am sorry. 

I have to give props to the kid that pepper-sprayed us when we tried to steal his halloween candy. It’s now something I look back and laugh at.

Turtle, (Aka Jeremy) I really am sorry for being an ass to you. You were a cool geek and a good friend.

This confession time has felt pretty good. At least for me. AHHHHHHH.

Times sure have changed ...or have they? Well I won’t say definitively. 
So why the trip down memory lane...?

Getting kicked out of the geek squad made me a little bitter. Nowadays bitterness towards geeks will seriously hold your future back.

No matter who you are and what business you run, the geeks have become the popular kids. Since most of this crazy world is going with the way of technology, you can’t avoid needing a few geeks in your life to get things done. That’s why I have turned my bitterness into appreciation. 

I need a great tech team but right now it’s not in the budget to pay $50-$90 per hour for tech help. If you are in the same boat as me you may want to check out Wix for creating a website. Click here to get connected. 

I highly respect tech guys and gals. Ya’ll do make our lives so much better, at least when we can learn how to make it all work.

All that to say is for hope. For those of us plagued with tech issues (probably because we are reaping what we sowed years ago) I have a solution. The easiest platform that takes the least amount of geek skills to create a website is through WIX.com. If you have ever made a powerpoint or used publisher, word, keynote, pages etc, then you can make a Wix site. They are super simple to operate and easy to change an update daily if you need to. They used to be a totally flash based website program but now they have HTML 5. It’s not always the most stable program but it’s getting better so hit SAVE often and make sure the box that says “site saved successfully” pops up each and every time, or you will have to make your website twice like I did.

Anyways - here is an easy way to put down the frustration between your vision and the tech barrier. Use Wix to build your website, if you are visual and can make a powerpoint or keynote, you can make a WIX site. I built mine twice in one day. When I want to add a page or change something, it can be done in a heart beat. Check out my site to see how it came out.

To your success!

Coach Jeff

P.S. - If you go to my website and sign up for our newsletter. I will send you my newest E-Book, "The 7 Step Formula for Goal Setting Success" absolutely free. 

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