Monday, June 20, 2011

Characteristics of a Teachable Spirit - Are they in you?

Characteristics of a Teachable Spirit - Are they in you?

I want to keep this post short and sweet. Look over these 2 lists. People with a Teachable Spirit and People without it. Who would you rather hang out/work with?

People with it-
- May Feel inadequate because they feel like there is sooooo much to learn
- Value learning, education, and advice
- Don’t get offended easily
- Regularly say “Ok” or “What can I do to fix that?” or “How can I make that better?”
They also say things like “I don’t know....” “Would you please show me?” and
“How do you do that?”
-Want to genuinely share all they know with others
- Seek advice
- Have problems all the time but they are NEW problems. When solved take they them to
higher and higher levels of success.
- Teach out of experience and genuine care for the growth of others
- Are not happy with status quo, they desire something better and want to be a part of
- Have inner joy
- Have deep relationships with people

People without it-
- Feel small cause they wont open up to learning, they feel insecure and lash out with
overconfidence at those who try teaching them
- Get offended easily
- Often say “I know, I know, I Know” or “I don’t want to talk about it”
- Hoarders of knowledge. They fear if they give their knowledge away someone may take
their position, job, etc.
- Fear losing control of the situation so they neither learn nor want to succeed or want
you to succeed
-Think that they don’t need any advice and asking for it is a sign of weakness
- Have recurring problems cause nothing is ever solved. The problems cycle repeatedly.
- Are extremely resistant to change
- Have a bitter attitude
- Don’t have deep relationships with other people.

Now What?????????
1. My advice would be to look them over in detail and ask, “Who am I, the teachable or unteachable one?”
2. Next, send this post to your best friend and ask them to rate you on each characteristic.
3. After you have compiled the data, follow up with “Who do I want to be?” Then start adding the characteristics from the appropriate list to your everyday self. As is everything in life, the choice is yours and so are the outcomes!

I would love to hear from you, please shoot me an email or comment on this post or previous ones. Let me know if this was helpful and what other topics you would like to read about.

Thanks so much,


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