Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Choice... Best Friend or Worst enemy?

How many choices do you make in a day? Thousands I assume, what shoes to wear, what to eat for breakfast, what words come out of your mouth, to give that guy holding the cardboard sign some money or not. CHOICES are everywhere, and unavoidable. What choices you make are up to you and if you think they are not, we can debate that later. The future may be uncertain yet the choices you make today, assuming you choose not to step in front of a bus, will ultimately shape who you become, therefore I urge you to choose wisely. Wisely? What is wisely? Wise choices for you may be foolish for me and vise versa.

I named this post "Choice....best friend or worst enemy for good reasons. Your friend is someone you want around, someone who is honest to you, trustworthy, dependable, fun, and enjoyable. When you make good choices all of this becomes true. Good choices make you turn to your best friend and give them a high five  SMACK!!!! Good choices get you promotions, increase your bank account, allow you more family time, good choices feel good inside, during, and most importantly after it. Good choices may not be easy by any means but at the end of the day you are better for it.

Bad choices on the other hand are your worst enemy. Bad choices make you have to say "I'm sorry" which is tough for most people and rufusing to do so compounds the bad choice because it destroys relationships you have also. Bad choices follow you like a thick black cloud. Bad choices send you looking for a new job "expectedly". Notice I didn't say "unexpectedly" because when you knowingly make bad choices you should expect to be pushed out the door. Overall bad choices make you feel rotten.

Which would you rather have . . . . friend or foe?  Yeah I answered friend too. How do you become best friends with you choices?

1. Be thankful for the right to choose.
I could elaborate but there is non need to, Be thankful for the right  to choose. You are not a slave, you are not in jail, you are not in handcuffs, so be thankful!

2. Pick an area of your life where you want to excell.
Realize that better choices make better outcomes. Is it work, your personal life, your family, your health?

3. Ask a mentor!
Mentors mold your choices because making better choices is a learned skill. We often think all the best choices we can make on our own, that "I know best," its a false assumption, we all need some help.

4. What platform is this choice coming from and should you pick a more apropriate one?
We make choices out of one or more of our major life platforms such as work, personal time, family, love, health, money, and fame. For example, making work choices when you are selfishly thinking about how it affects your personal time is bad, those two major platforms of your life are different. When you are at work, choose to make decisions that benefit your work. In the end your choice will most likely be better and you will get your personal time.

5. Choices and their outcomes build on each other.
Making good choices gets postitive momentum flowing the same way bad choices make it feel like your world is about to explode.

6. You don't have to be in charge to make choices.
Release yourself from these selfmade limitations that only your boss can choose for you. As a boss myself I expect you to make choices. One of my Mentors used to say, " You need to make 1000 choices a day, I don't care if 999 of them are wrong, you just need to make them, then we will talk about how to make them better."

7. Readjust your choices.
Since every choice you make creates a new outcome you will need to be strategic so that you keep them in line with that picture you painted of your fututre.

8. Expect some bad choices to come out of your good intentions, no one is close to perfect.
When you expect some bad choices to happen its easier to pick yourself back up and try again.

Keep it simple, all of your choices should make you want to give yourself a HIGH 5 !!!
I hope this helps. Please make any comments, I would love to hear your feedback!

Take care!!!

1 comment:

  1. yeah baby get it. youve made some good life choices my friend. praise the Lord! keep running the race brotha!



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