Teachable Spirit Intro
I love spending time in reflection, evaluating events that have unfolded in my life. I ask the question “Why?” often. I ask the “Why” question in many different ways. Sometimes its in anger “Why did she/he do that?” or humbly “Why was I such a jerk just then?” and most popular in my mind is “Why am I not getting the results I want?” I don’t always get the answers quickly. Some answers take a few hours and others take years to truly feel like I understand.
The question that lead me to this post is “Why does success seem easy to some and impossible for others?” I think I have the answer to one piece of that puzzle. Those who succeed over and over again have many, if not all, the characteristics of a Teachable Spirit.
“The principles of life, growth, and leadership are for everyone. There are very few people who can’t do them, yet there are very few who do!”
JP 2011
What is a Teachable Spirit?
A teachable spirit, first and foremost, is being able to receive criticism well. Most teaching coming your way is like a thunderstorm; its loud, a couple of thunderous booms and an occasional bolt of lighting to your self esteem. It hurts and we fight back.
It may seem difficult in the moment but you can always choose a better reaction. You can be the concrete road thats hard and impenetrable or the field soaking in as much refreshing water to the soul as possible. At times there may be too much rain and your field gets muddy (the criticism gets harsh), but after the sun comes up (or that person leaves your presence) nature takes its course and turns your barren, brown, burnt land into a bountiful harvest of green grass, radiant flowers, and fruiting trees.
If you are the field then you have a teachable spirit!!!!!!!!!!!!
Who are you? Are you that impenetrable concrete road? No matter if it’s a soft rain or grapefruit size hail, you let the good stuff bounce off and float away down the drain into the stinky sewer, wasted! You let some run off into the field, except that field isn’t you, it’s someone else and their grass becomes green and lush, full of aromatic wild flowers of wisdom and success, then you get mad at them for “stealing” the rain you let run off.
It may seem unfortunate that most teaching comes in the form of criticism. You can still choose your response to reap the benefits. You can be the impenetrable concrete or the earth that lets all the rain soak in and pulls the nutrients out (the stuff worthy of your time and talents). The stuff worthy for you to take and develop into your new self.
As you travel through time this week take note of how you react and what your facial expression and inner thoughts are when someone wants to teach you something. You might be surprised at yourself!
Also be on the lookout for a bonus post, I have been feeling poetic lately and I just might share some of that with you! (maybe)
In the following posts I will cover
- The difference between a Teachable Spirit and Learning
- Characteristics of people with or without a Teachable Spirit
- How to get one, and
- The rewards of having one
Stay connected here as we better ourselves together and share this with a friend!
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