Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I couldn't help the pondering questions floating through my mind this morning. I began asking myself "Why has my focus changed, why do I want to accomplish more now than I ever have before?" It was such a good question I had to let it find a path to an answer through my head.

I began to think of successful people like my mentor Chuck, and John Maxwell and others I know locally. What was the common denominator? Marriage. . . . I heard it before that most highly successful men are also highly successful at being a husband and keeping a great marriage. My beautiful, amazing,  joy filled wife married me almost a year ago. We eloped!!!! ( I recommend it) I went through a painful transitional process this past year from being "self-absorbed" to "self-aware" that I was self-absorbed. I am hopefully making the transition to becoming selfless but that is a battle of its own. I don't think I would have even recognized the need for this painfully wonderful transition had I not been married. The result is that as one begins to make the transition from selfish to selfless he naturally wants to put success aside and work towards significance. This in turn creates a passionate desire to accomplish more, not for myself, but for Christ and His kingdom.
I never knew marriage had so many benefits!!!

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