Inner Strength
Inner strength decides the direction of our life. It’s another one of those hidden traits. I believe strongly that how you feel about yourself on the inside will determine the success of your outside. Outside success is what most of us are shooting for i.e. A larger salary, maybe a new house, and a vacation. The fact is, it’s hard to enjoy any of the outside success without first having success on the inside.
- When you feel fit, confident, smart, sexy, and strong. What are you likely to accomplish?
- When you feel fat, slow, weak, lazy, and stressed. What are you likely to do?
In scenario A you are most likely to climb mountains, tackle new business opportunities and have the courage to ask that special person out on a date (which is your spouse if you’re married, just thought I would make that clear).
In scenario B you are most likely to accomplish eating a whole bag of Oreo’s, down a glass of milk, and go back to the couch for another nap.
Who would you rather be? I am shooting for A but much of the time I feel like a B. What about you?
When a persons inner self is weak, or their perception of themselves is weak they will not go when called to do something great like build a business or volunteer. Instead the tendency is to back away or stay at home. On the other hand when a person is strong on the inside they will go anywhere and do anything of great importance.
How do you achieve inner strength?
1. Believe in yourself because you are uniquely gifted.
- Spend time with those who believe in you and don’t spend time with those who pull you down.
- Accomplish things on a regular basis by creating small goals to reach each day and then tackle them.
- Find joy and satisfaction in your relationships by choosing to hang around happy people.
- Take action in areas of weakness to find new strength. This means do something tactical like get up early everyday.
- Get out of the house. Spending too much time at home will sap your soul and creativity.
- Help someone else.The best way to feel good about yourself is to help someone else.
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How inner strength can help you build a Rockstar business.
I believe that when a group of people have inner strength they Can and WILL do anything. Spend time on you first by doing some of the items listed above, then use the techniques below to cultivate inner strength in those you work closely with.
- Give them hope
- Teach them skills
- Find ways to make small accomplishments more often which creates positive inner strength
- Use affirming words with authenticity
- Speak Encouraging words
- Do unselfish tasks
- Listen to them
- Believe in them
- Show them how to lead
- Nudge them to take the lead
- Hone in on their strengths and gifts
- Push them (a little bit) into new territory using their strengths and gifts. (Challenge them just enough that they can meet the challenge, don’t go overboard where the potential to fail is extremely high) Remember we are trying to build, not tear down.
- Actively help erase their self doubt and negativity by squashing their negative language.
- Make them feel famous!!!
Get help implementing these into your company. Ask Coach Jeff about webinars, workshops, and tools. Click here!
When you help your team build inner strength you can ask them to move a mountain with you. I bet they will go looking for the shovels, picks and maybe even dynamite!!
Here is the takeaway, write this down on a notecard and post it!
When you make someone feel like they can do anything, they will.
When you make someone feel like they can’t, they won’t!
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To your success!
Coach Jeff
For those of you who also have faith in Jesus, do what God would approve of, then your confidence will be there. The only thing that really matters is how God sees you!
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