Monday, June 13, 2011

The difference between Learning and Being Teachable

In my career I have taught literally hundreds of people “How To” do something; from culinarians, ice sculptors, to young entrepreneurs. I found some who have learned a lot but were unteachable, and others who may know a lot or nothing at all, but were teachable. I love working with the teachable ones. Hands on teaching is a great joy!

During my culinary career, when a new person was hired they were sent directly to me for training. This was consistent at just about every job I have had since I was 16. During the ten years I owned and operated Masterpiece Ice Sculptures, my team and I have been involved in the training of hundreds of culinarians on the art of ice sculpture. We have traveled to Knoxville several times a year to teach the University of Tennessee Culinary students ice sculpture. This year Pellissippi State Community Colllege was added to our rotation. We have taught over 50 students this year.

Each night we spend two intense teaching hours with 5 students on the basics of ice sculpture. When their 2 hours is up, we start again with 5 more students.
When Pellissippi State was added we did this 8 times in 2 days! It was a blast! Every group of 5 has a different dynamic. Consistently the person who thinks its impossible, always ends up in the top 2. Why? Because humility allowed an open mind to being taught!

I have found that the hardest people to teach are the ones who think that college taught them everything they need to know. The truth is college should only be the beginning. If you think college taught you everything, then I feel bad for all the great things you will miss out on in life.

“College is the place to LEARN tools so that you can be TEACHABLE when you walk out the door.” JP

Here are the differences between learning and being taught.
Is something that you do
Typically happens in spurts (for example 4 years of college)
You can learn by watching, listening, and reading
Fills you and only you

Being Teachable
Is something you are, its a characteristic of your being
Is a person to person skill, this is the main reason why leaders need to have it
Is based in humility
Is a life long journey
Opens door to deep relationships with others

I hope you take a personal inventory and find out that you are both a great learner and a teachable person, having both skills under your belt make you a candidate for a life of success and Joy!

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